Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How I got here..

My name is Heidi.  I live in Arizona with my wonderful husband, Butch.  I'll start with him.  We met in 2005 when we were on a missions trip to Peru with our church in California.  We were both dating other people at the time so we didn't really have much of a relationship.  I remember thinking on that trip " God, why didn't you put me with someone like him?  I always thought that was the kind of guy I would marry..."  Well little did I know that just over a year later our paths would cross again.  We both had just gone through break-ups and we pretty much knew right away that we would marry each other.  He proposed on our one year anniversary and we were married 10 months later on 10/10/08. 
After about 9-10 months of married life, we decided to pray about our living situation - one bedroom apartment in California wasn't going to hold our junk for long.  Butch, being from Arizona, and me never living anywhere but California, decided to pray about whether we should consider moving to Arizona or not.. and whithin a month we were looking for houses and preparing the move.  We both made it out here in Sept. of 2009 and got the keys to our very first house on Dec.31st 2009.  We found out 2 1/2 weeks later that we were pregnant.  It wasn't expected but it was the best surprise I have ever had! 
Call us old fashioned but we decided, after a LOT of research, to have an all natural home birth and it was AMAZING!!!  We welcomed Adelaide Brianne Nelson into this world on Sept. 17, 2010.  She took our breath away and continues to every day since she was born.
I knew that I wanted to stay home when she was born but it just didn't seem like it was possible because we needed that second income, so again I turned to God.  When Addy was born my mom brought her sewing machine out because I wanted her to make a cover for our rocking chair, and when she left I asked her if she would leave it so that I could try sewing stuff.  I looked up how to sew a baby dress and made the first thing I've ever made on a sewing maching (it took me 3 hours to thread the sewing machine) but I loved it!  I posted it on my Facebook and I got so many compliments and people even wanted me to make them some.. so I though I would put it on my Etsy account - which I originally opened to sell oil paintings but never did - and someone bought it.  The rest is history and now I get to stay home with my little girl and I get to be a designer of baby clothes!
I couldn't do any of what I do without my husband. He is my best friend and the love of my life.  We still hang out every day and laugh a lot together as we grow closer in our marriage.  We hope to have a big family but we're leaving it in God's hands.